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Mahsa Layazali: Celebrating Immigrant Heritage Month

Mahsa Layazali was born and raised in Iran and immigrated to the United States in 2007. The following year she began serving as an administrative assistant at Reston Community Center delivering customer support to patrons. She says her immigrant experience has taught her resilience, adaptability and the beauty of diversity. She loves promoting unity among cultures and individuals.

Overcoming obstacles in her immigration journey allows her to deeply empathize with newcomers facing language barriers, reminding her daily of the importance of breaking down these obstacles to help them integrate into their new home.

June is Immigrant Heritage Month, a time to reflect on our diverse nation (and county) of immigrants. In Fairfax County, nearly 30 percent of residents were born in another country, creating a uniquely rich tapestry of diversity. People from around the globe have found a home and continue to thrive here and this month we celebrate their contribution to our community.
Click here to meet other Fairfax County employees and learn more about Immigrant Heritage Month events and programs.


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