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BeBe Nguyen to Lead RCC in its Next Era

The Reston Community Center (RCC) Board of Governors is pleased to announce the selection of its next executive director, current RCC Deputy Director, BeBe Nguyen. Nguyen was selected from a nation-wide applicant pool of 100 candidates in a process that the Board’s Personnel Committee began in January 2024.

Led by Board of Governors Vice Chair Bill Bouie, the Personnel Committee worked on defining the agency’s strategic goals for the hiring process in concert with the senior staff team and consultant Karen Cleveland at the annual strategic planning meeting held on the first Saturday in January. The Fairfax County Department of Human Resources also supported the Personnel Committee in managing the actual recruitment and hiring processes to assure compliance with the County’s and RCC’s high standards of excellence for those practices.

Nguyen has a master’s degree in public administration from George Mason University and a bachelor’s degree in international affairs from Georgetown University. She arrived at RCC in May 2007 to lead the agency’s media department as the communications director. In January 2022, she became RCC Deputy Director and has led significant capital projects, succession planning and implementation for the agency’s internet technology systems, integration of facility rentals and customer relations functions, and implementation of RCC efforts to advance the goals of the One Fairfax policy as the RCC equity lead.

“BeBe has a life story that is deeply inspiring and that fuels her passion for public service,” said Personnel Committee Chair, Bill Bouie. “The board was deeply impressed with the breadth of her knowledge and experience advancing RCC goals for its service to Reston as well as with her understanding of the complex challenges ahead for the community and our agency.” Following the Personnel Committee recommendation, the Board of Governors endorsed selection of Nguyen, and the first day of her tenure will be Monday, September 9.

“This represents continuity of the brilliant growth and community building our present executive director, Leila Gordon, has led for the past 16 years,” noted Board Chair, Bev Cosham. “BeBe will advance those strategies and lead us forward to new heights.” Gordon leaves the agency upon her retirement on December 13, 2024. She and her successor will continue to work collaboratively to manage the transition seamlessly.

“I am very excited to step into this role. RCC has been my career and my purpose both,” Nguyen asserted. She continued, “Expanding our programs and services as Reston grows will be fulfilling and a great mutual adventure for our terrific board and staff, and for the people of Reston who we are all so proud to serve.”

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