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Equity & Accessibility

See the 2024/2025 Equity Matters Brochure.

In October 2021, Reston Community Center’s Board of Governors adopted a strategic plan for the coming five years. In considering community priorities, the plan established an “Equity Pillar” with the following goal and objectives:

Goal: RCC embodies the principles delineated in the One Fairfax Policy by putting equity at the forefront of meeting community needs and serves the people and neighborhoods of Reston through allocation of resources according to those needs and informed understanding of the community’s diverse interests.


  • To participate as an active and engaged partner in Reston Opportunity Neighborhood (RestON).

  • To regularly conduct outreach to the community that is welcoming, flexible and respectful.

  • To assess barriers to the full enjoyment of leisure-time activities and implement strategies to eliminate those barriers.

The mission of our programming is to provide enrichment and enjoyment to all who live and work in Reston – but beyond that, we are particularly interested in facilitating greater appreciation of our diversity. RCC is committed to realizing the vision of One Fairfax by creating space for conversations about social justice. In addition, we seek opportunities to learn from and about each other. RCC Equity Matters programs are particularly suited particularly suited to bringing people together to forge new and positive connections to each other. Faith communities, neighborhoods, organizations and individuals are encouraged to participate – everyone is welcome and needed. Dr. King’s dream of a beloved community is ingrained in Reston’s DNA – let’s stay together on this journey and continue our work to make his dream a reality.