Camp Directors for Camp Goodtimes on the Road will have a cell phone at their disposal if there is a need to communicate with parents. The cell phone number is 703–314–2089. The Road Rulz Camp Director may be reached at703–593–1207. Please bear in mind that cell phone signals are not always strong at many of the venues that campers will visit, and it is possible that calls from parents/guardians may not be answered immediately. Please call these numbers only in an emergency.
If parents are running late, they may call the camp cell phone number and notify camp staff. If campers and staff are running late on the return trip to RCC, every effort will be made by Camp Directors to phone RCC Hunters Woods Customer Service Representatives and parents when the expected time of return exceeds 4:15 p.m. As traffic can be unpredictable, we ask the indulgence of parents/guardians if campers occasionally return later than expected from field trips.
All other questions or concerns should be directed to Camp Administrator Debbie Heron at 703–390–6163, or the RCC Customer Service Desk at 703–476–4500.
For YAT and LARK questions or concerns please call Camp Administrator Cheri Danaher at
703–390–6175 or the RCC Customer Service Desk at 703–476–4500.