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Sarah Abdulrahman Alshamy – 2024 Fairfax County Outstanding Achievement Award

RCC launched a comprehensive website design project to replace its 2008 website with a modern, scalable, accessible and reliably functional new website. A design project team comprised of agency leadership, IT, communications, customer relations and programming units collaborated for three years on the effort. Their work resulted in a new website that is beautiful, securely hosted in the cloud, easily accessible for users with disabilities or who speak a language other than English, and anchored in the community RCC serves.

Sarah Alshamy participated in the design and implementation phases of the new website and is the principal graphic design artist managing ongoing website updates, enhancements and graphic content. In addition, she assures that the website links accurately to all RCC internet-based social media platform posts. Sarah routinely performs at the highest levels of creativity, reliability, speed and accuracy in managing the agency’s complex website environment and coordinating content there with all other content and communications delivery methods.

In addition to her meticulous work on RCC’s website, Sarah handles the graphic design role for key RCC publications. She designs the agency’s Summer Camps brochure, which is consistently praised by RCC patrons for its visual appeal and ease of use. She works with her team members and program directors at all times with courtesy, respect and an infectious sense of creative joy to achieve their shared goals.

For her work on the Reston Community Center website and other publications, Sarah has earned a 2024 Outstanding Performance Award (OPA). OPAs provide recognition to employees who perform the duties and responsibilities of their positions in an outstanding manner, and whose work is generally well above expectations. Sarah Alshamy’s work is typically outstanding and her contributions to RCC consistently help us achieve our mission and vision.

Congratulations to Sarah!

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