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Tephra ICA Opening Reception | Metopic Ridge Exhibition

Tephra ICA at Signature 11850 Freedom Dr, Reston, VA, United States

Join Tephra Institute of Contemporary Art (Tephra ICA) for the opening reception of Metopic Ridge, a solo exhibition by artist Eleanor Mahin Thorp at Tephra ICA Signature.


Closing Reception and Artist Talk: Flare

Tephra ICA at Signature 11850 Freedom Dr, Reston, VA, United States

Join Tephra ICA at our satellite gallery in Reston Town Center's Signature building for the closing reception and artist talk for the exhibition Flare.


The Alloy Project

Tephra ICA at Signature 11850 Freedom Dr, Reston, VA, United States

Join Tephra Institute of Contemporary Art for The Alloy Project, Annual Benefit and Cocktail Event taking place at the Signature building at Reston Town Center on Saturday, September 30, 2023, from 7:00 p.m.– 9:30 p.m.